Using your Onlux device:

For chronic pain and discomfort

We suggest one 15-minute session per day, 5 to 7 days per week when dealing with discomfort/pain. If there is no discomfort/pain, you can use it for physical maintenance as often or as little as you deem appropriate. Always consult with your doctor before making any changes.

For acute pain

We suggest using it 2-3 times per day with at least 2 hours in between each session. Once your condition has improved, use the device on an as needed basis. Always consult with your doctor before making any changes.

OnLux can be used with clothing on, but only if you are wearing thin clothing. However, for optimal results we recommend placing wraps directly on skin

Maintaining your Onlux Device

  • Keep the pad clean to ensure proper working order.

  • Pad contains LED strips, do not fold or bend the pad around the LED strips, doing this may void warranty.

  • Wipe down with a very slightly damp cloth.

  • Expected service life is approximately one year.

The Control Unit

  • Wipe the surface once a week with a damp cloth or antiseptic wipes.

  • Do not use cleaning sprays or alcohol-based cleaning solutions.

  • Expected service life is one year.

  • Expected average battery life per charge is eleven 5-min sessions.

How to put on your Onlux device

Click on the videos below that match your specific Onlux device.